
Welcome to the number one resource for housing developers. If there is something we can help you with after reviewing the following information, feel free to email Jamestown/Stutsman Development Corporation or contact us at 701-252-6861.

The Land Use & Transportation Plan (LUTP) includes a future land use plan which defines growth areas for the City of Jamestown and its two-mile Extraterritorial Area.

The future land use plan serves as a planning tool and does not call for the immediate change in land use or zoning. Existing development designated as a different land use in the future land use plan will be allowed to continue in its current use and zoning district for an indefinite amount of time or at such time a zone change is requested. At a time in which the property owner wishes to change the zoning or land use of a property, the proposed change must comply with the future land use plan as adopted by the City of Jamestown and Stutsman County.


City Ordinance/Forms/Maps

Stutsman County Zoning Information

The establishment of this ordinance will promote orderly and non conflicting uses of land and property, protect property rights, ensure the provisions of adequate public services and promote conservation of land, water and other natural resources.

Jamestown Residental Lot Development Program

The JSDC will provide up to 20% of the required 25% cost share for the city to bond for infrastructure for the development of residential lots within the Jamestown City limits.


  • No Principal or interest payments and Non-Interest bearing for 5 years (deferment period).
  • To be repaid over 2 years following the deferment period. The JSDC can establish a quarterly payment required at the end of the deferment period.
  •  An Interest Rate of 2%
  • JSDC would take a position on the property and calculate a per-lot cost that will be recouped upon the sale of the lot. 
  • A 最小值imum of 10 lots are to be developed.